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Bordon flying sites

Note: This map only gives the position of Bordon town within the UK.

BORDON: Gliding site

NOTES: In Arthur Ord-Hume’s book On Home-Made Wings he relates how after the engine disintegrated on the Aeronca C-2 G-ABHE it was then converted to a glider and flew at BORDON on May 15th 1937. It appears that gliding took place at a military camp in/near Bordon, presumably the same camp as listed below? I have taken the precaution of giving this a separate listing as it seems a bit risky to assume gliding took place on the same site used by helicopters in more recent years - but perhaps you know otherwise?


BORDON CAMP: Military helipad

Operated by: The Army School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering

Location: Apparently near Farnham - is anything else known?

Period of operation: (?)



Nick Chittenden

This comment was written on: 2020-10-15 21:31:14
The ‘battery landing field’ at Bordon was just south of Oxney Farm, immediately to the north east of the branchline from Bentley to Bordon. I visited some years back, unfortunately the entire site had been planted with saplings and will soon be woodland.

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