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Bridgend flying sites

Note: This map only gives the location of Bridgend town within the UK.

BRIDGEND: Civil aerodrome?

Period of operation: 1920s?

NOTES: There’s a record of an AVRO 504K (G-EBNH) operated by South Wales Airways, crashing at Bridgend in 1928 -  but was it at an aerodrome? In early 2013 I discovered another mention of South Wales Airways Ltd in Neville Doyles book The Triple Alliance (page 73) in which he states: “ fact, it was a joy-riding operation using Avro 504K’s from Bridgend and Cardiff”.

So, proof of an established aerodrome in the vicinity of Bridgend now seems pretty certain –  but where was it situated? Any ideas?


BRIDGEND: Military airstrip

Military user: US First Army ‘V’ Corps, 2nd Infantry Division, 12th Field Artillery Battalion

Location: ?

Period of operation: 1944/5 only?

NOTES: It appears that just two Piper L-4 Grasshoppers were based here.



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