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Birchwood Lodge

BIRCHWOOD LODGE:   Private airstrip

Aerial view 2013
Aerial view 2013
Aerial view 2018
Aerial view 2018
Aerial detail 2021
Aerial detail 2021
Area view
Area view


Note:  All four of these pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©


Perhaps somebody can kindly identify the two aircraft seen in the aerial detail above? 

Operated by: Mr Martyn Wiseman - Condor Aviation International

Location:  N of the A163, roughly 1.5nm NE of Barlby on the A19, and 3.5nm NE of Selby town centre

Period of operation: Circa 2013 to -

Runway:  Mostly 08/26  (445 metres) with an easterly dog-leg at the ENE end giving a maximum length of 570 metres



 Beverley XB259 at Fort Paull
Beverley XB259 at Fort Paull

This picture was scanned from the December 2020 edition of Light Aviation magazine.

A story was run in Light Aviation that Martyn Wiseman (Condor Aviation Int.) had purchased the last remaining Blackburn Beverely C.I (XB259) which has been at Fort Paull, east of Hull, for many years - and due to be scrapped. The project in 2021 was to move it here, reassemble it, and convert it into a high quality rental apartment, retaining the original airframe and cockpit.

Let us hope the project succeeds. There is video of it being dismantled on the Yorkshire Post web-site, dated August 2021. 



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