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A Guide to the history of British flying sites within the United Kingdom
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Dairy House Farm

DAIRY HOUSE FARM: Private airstrip  (Also known as NANTWICH)

Aerial view 2005
Aerial view 2005
Aerial view 2010
Aerial view 2010
Aerial detail 2010
Aerial detail 2010
Aerial view 2018
Aerial view 2018

Note: These four pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©


Operated by: Mr C H Parker?

Location: Alongside B5074, N of Worleston, 2.5nm N of Nantwich

Period of operation: 1970s to –

Runways: 2007: 12/30   560   grass            15/33    260   grass

2018:  12/30   560   grass


NOTES: In the mid 1970s it seems only one aircraft was based here, the Cessna 172D G-ASPT.

An AAIB fatal accident report EW/C2007/04/04 is clear proof that this airstrip with two runways was still operational in 2007.

In 2019, when ARCLID closed, it appears the microlight operation moved across to here.




Matt Prince

This comment was written on: 2019-07-30 12:00:17
Still active. Apparently the microlight training that is at Arclid, is moving here soon.

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