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Stoney Lane

STONEY LANE: Private airstrip
(Also known as STONEY FARM? Initial info = AAIB report EW/G2004/06/08)

Aerial view 2005
Aerial view 2005
Aerial view 2016
Aerial view 2016
Aerial view 2021
Aerial view 2021
Area view
Area view


Note:  The first three pictures were obtained from Google Earth ©. The area view is from my Google Earth © derived database.

Operated by: Mr P Whittaker

Location: 2nm E of Bromsgove, 2nm NW of Redditch

Period of operation: 2000s only?

Runway: 07/25   350x45   grass

Note:  By 2005 at least a clear strip was marked out:   05/23   390   grass


NOTES: Several years ago I made these notes: "According to various flight guides this strip is reserved for STOL operations but other directions can be used within the field especially for landing . The strip may be moved within a three field area so I wonder if the advice regarding landing directions, (07/25), always applies?"

Aerial view 1999
Aerial view 1999

I have added this image from Google Earth © dated 1999, to show the layout of the various fields. If anybody can kindly offer advice and information, this will be most welcome. Pictures are always much appreciated.




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